Guide For Contractors To Avail Mortgages


Sufficient funds at all times are necessary for all of us. Sometimes, we fall short of funds for which we look around for getting loans from relatives, friends or through other sources that fulfil our immediate fiscal needs. Many people prefer availing credits through banks or private lenders. Contractors also raise loans through contractor mortgages for their emergent needs.

Tips For The Contractors – The contractors that need mortgages for instant requirements should know:

  • Special Provisions For You – Unlike ordinary borrowers, the contractors do not need to maintain accounts for three years. They are eligible for the mortgages that are based on the day-rate, the special provision for them. Contractor-friendly mortgage providers and commercial banks allow the mortgages that weigh their running contracts instead of counting their working period as contractors. No need to be in the contract for a minimum period of six months.

These noble guys are not treated as high risk by the financial institutions including building societies or banks etc. No need to deposit heavy amounts to avail the mortgage, the special advantage to the contractors. Additionally, the contractors are provided credits at reasonable rates as compared to the ones since facilitated to ordinary borrowers for which contractors’ savings and deposits do matter.

  • Getting A Mortgage – Following tips may be adhered to for availing the credit-
  • Assess your needs and discuss the same with the lenders that would find out suitable options for you.
  • Kindly note that the mortgage would be facilitated in your own name. It is suggested to possess some property through a reputed limited entity that may be engaged especially to own the let units.
  • No need to panic even if you have the three-month contract. It is your overall experience that counts much as regards the credit. Undoubtedly, the income factor is considered and the same may be treated for more than forty-eight weeks of the contract rate.
  • It is possible to avail the short term loan for a minimum of five years, generally for innovations or improvements in the home.
  • Contractors working as freelancers may be affected as regards the qualification for the mortgage subject to the condition that they have a minimum of one year’s finalized company accounts.

Contractors interested to avail credits must go through the above guidelines and contact the suitable lender that would apprise them of the other features too. Meant for the contractors, contractor mortgages may be availed by them for meeting their specific needs in wise manners.

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